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Daily fewest words (63 or fewer)

Word count refers to the total number of Down and Across clues. Constructors try to minimize this count as well as the number of blocks to make the puzzle more interesting. A + next to a puzzle date means it is not a standard 15 by 15 size.

These puzzles tend to have interesting shapes. See the thumbnails for an overview.

50 words
Joe Krozel
52 words
Joe Krozel
Frank Longo
54 words
Joe Krozel
Patrick Berry
Raymond C. Young
Frank A. Longo
Frank Longo
56 words
Joe Krozel
Joe Krozel
Joe Krozel
Joe Krozel
Mel Taub
Harvey Estes
Harvey Estes
Patrick Berry
Patrick Berry
Raymond C. Young
Frank Longo
58 words
Blake Slonecker
Byron Walden
Kevin Adamick
Tim Croce
Julian Lim
Brendan Emmett Quigley
Robert H. Wolfe
Robert H. Wolfe
Joe Krozel
Joe Krozel
Robert H. Wolfe
Robert H. Wolfe
Sherry O. Blackard
Brendan Emmett Quigley
F. Longo
59 words
Joel Fagliano
Joe Krozel
60 words
Sid Sivakumar
Ryan McCarty
Kevin Adamick
Alex Vratsanos
Kevin G. Der
Roland Huget
Mark Diehl
Todd Gross
Kameron Austin Collins
Todd Gross
Mark Diehl
Joe Krozel
Tim Croce
Frederick J. Healy
Kevin G. Der
Sherry O. Blackard
Robert H. Wolfe
Brendan Emmett Quigley
Patrick Berry
Manny Nosowsky
Patrick Berry
R. Ross
Frank A. Longo
Randolph Ross
61 words
Johan Vass
Alex Eaton-Salners
Joe Krozel and Timothy Polin
62 words
Ryan McCarty
Robert Logan
David A. Rubin and Lee Demertzis
Robert Logan
John Hawksley
Kameron Austin Collins
Sid Sivakumar
Blake Slonecker
Ryan McCarty
Sid Sivakumar
Kameron Austin Collins
Randolph Ross
Trenton Charlson
Sam Trabucco
Ari Richter
David Steinberg
Sam Trabucco
Sam Trabucco
Ryan McCarty
Kameron Austin Collins
Roland Huget
Jeff Chen
Patrick Berry
Patrick Berry
Jeff Chen
Julian Lim
Byron Walden
Jeff Chen
David Kwong
Julian Lim
Elizabeth C. Gorski
David Steinberg
David Steinberg
David Steinberg
David Steinberg
Joe Krozel
Tom Heilman
Tim Croce
Mark Diehl
Patrick Berry
Joe Krozel
Joe Krozel
Patrick Berry
Mark Diehl
Manny Nosowsky
Joe Krozel
John Farmer
Patrick Berry
Patrick Berry
Brendan Emmett Quigley
Brendan Emmett Quigley
Manny Nosowsky
Robert H. Wolfe
Robert H. Wolfe
Byron Walden
Brendan Emmett Quigley
Manny Nosowsky
Frank Longo
Patrick Berry
Byron Walden
Frank Longo
Brendan Emmett Quigley
Robert H. Wolfe
Sherry O. Blackard
Patrick Berry
Chuck Menning
Trip Payne
Randolph Ross
Manny Nosowsky
Frank Longo
Bob Klahn
Frank Longo
Frank Longo
J. Clonick
F. Longo
Frank A. Longo
63 words
Timothy Polin
Timothy Polin and Joe Krozel
Elizabeth C. Gorski
Joe Krozel


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XWord Info © 2007-2025, Jim Horne
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