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Contributions by Women and Men in the Modern Era

This page compares contributions by women and men.

Puzzles by Year

The vast majority of NYT crosswords are constructed by men working alone.

Comparing crossword counts by gender

Modern Era Combined Results

Women/Women collaborations are a tiny sliver of all crosswords.

Word clouds

Are men and women drawn to different answer words when constructing puzzles?

Puzzles created by women only

Puzzles created by men only

What if we looked at only longer words?

Maybe ignoring short words would be helpful.

There are so many more crosswords by men, that the minimum answer length has to be set higher to show meaningful results.

Puzzles created by women only, minimum length 5

Puzzles created by men only, minimum length 7

Modern Era pie chart

Portion of crosswords by gender

Back to main Women stats page.

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XWord Info © 2007-2025, Jim Horne
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