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Results from Wordnik for "caveat"
Audio from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
Audio pronunciation of caveat from Macmillan Dictionary -- free online dictionary and thesaurus
1nounA warning or caution.
2nounA qualification or explanation.
3nounA formal notice filed by an interested party requesting postponement of a court proceeding or other action until the filer can be heard.
4intransitive verbTo submit a caveat.
5intransitive verbTo make a caveat to (a will, for example).
6intransitive verbTo qualify with a warning or clarification.
7nounIn law, a notice filed or noted in a public office to prevent some proceeding being had except after warning to the caveator, or person making the caveat: as, a caveat filed with the probate court against the probate of a will.
8nounFiguratively, intimation of caution; warning; admonition; hint.
9To enter a caveat.
10In fencing, to shift the sword from one side of an adversary's sword to the other.
11nounA notice given by an interested party to some officer not to do a certain act until the party is heard in opposition
12nounA description of some invention, designed to be patented, lodged in the patent office before the patent right is applied for, and operating as a bar to the issue of letters patent to any other person, respecting the same invention.
13nounIntimation of caution; warning; protest.
14nounlet the purchaser beware, i. e., let him examine the article he is buying, and act on his own judgment.
15nouna warning
16nouna qualification or exception
17nouna notice requesting a postponement of a court proceeding
18nouna formal notice of interest in land, under a Torrens land-title system
19verbTo qualify a particular statement with a proviso or caveat
20verbTo lodge a formal notice of interest in land, under a Torrens land-title system
21verbTo issue a notice requesting that proceedings be suspended
22verbTo warn or caution against some event
23noun(law) a formal notice filed with a court or officer to suspend a proceeding until filer is given a hearing
24nouna warning against certain acts
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