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6 total results for DRZHIVAGO( score: 50 )

3 results for DRZHIVAGO from Modern Era puzzles:
Thu Apr 4, 20139DFilm character who says "I hate everything you say, but not enough to kill you for it"Corey RubinShortz
Sat Dec 4, 201062ARussian famously played by an EgyptianDoug PetersonShortz
Mon Jul 21, 199757APasternak heroGregory E. PaulShortz
3 results for DRZHIVAGO from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Wed May 27, 199260ALara's lost loveBetty JorgensenMaleska
Fri Sep 21, 199059APasternak characterJack LechnerMaleska
Sat May 31, 198636DLara's belovedPatterson PeppleMaleska
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