Given David's history of debuting entries like ADULT MOVIES, GENTLEMEN'S CLUB, PLAYBOY MANSION, and TOPLESS DANCERS, I was nervous after uncovering PENTHOUSE … thankfully it was PENTHOUSE SUITE! Whew. That's a great feature entry.

I wasn't as hot on YOGURT SMOOTHIE — I drink a lot of fruit smoothies, protein shakes, etc., but YOGURT SMOOTHIE didn't immediately ring a bell. Still, it was obvious enough …
… what else goes into a YOGURT SMOOTHIE, though? Isn't it just yogurt? Why don't they just call it "yogurt"?
Tough to build a themeless around 14s, but David did a nice job of it. Classic approach, putting them in rows 4 and 12, still allowing him to build triple-stacks in the NW and SE corners, by placing a black square between TROI and ABUT. Both corners turned out pretty nice.
BOX CAMERA / SPEEDBALL / PENTHOUSE SUITE is a great triplet. I was all set to go gung-ho on the praise for it … then I realized what a SPEEDBALL is. Yikes!
And then I hit the AMBOY / ROY crossing. I had to debate ROD, ROG, ROS, ROC, ROB, ROY. Ultimately, the "king" etymology made ROY win out, but I think a more straightforward clue for ROY would have been better.
SE corner had a solid stack, too, with INAMORATA such a fancy-pants (in a good way!) term for "lover." PIXELATED was a fun term too … but oof, I don't want my crosswords to make me imagine pics that men seem to frequently text … let's leave it at that.
EADS / INAMORATA did seem iffy, but I *think* educated solvers ought to be able to work out that A ending letter, based on what they know of Romance languages.
Get it, romance?
Okay, I'm sympathetic if you got that square wrong.
Overall, good use of his long slots, NEAT AS A PIN / TATE MODERN my favorite entries of the grid, what with their timeless feel. Not keen on the AGENA … rocket? … but those EADS AMBOY TROI dabs of crossword glue did enable a lot of good entries.